
The online Proposal for Approval of fees for the academic year 2025-26 is submitted to Fees Regulating Authority(FRA) Proposed fees is as follows

Department of Computer Application (BCA) - Against CAP & Institute Level Admission Notification

First Year Engineering (FE) ACAP & IL Admission Merit list AY 24-25

Master of Engineering (ME) Against CAP Merit list AY 24-25

Direct Second Year Engineering (DSE) Against CAP Merit list AY 24-25

Revised Schedule for First Year Engineering (FE) for AY 2024-25.

Direct Second Year Engineering (DSE) Vacant seat for IL & ACAP AY 24-25

First Year Engineering (FE) Vacant seat for IL & ACAP round AY 24-25

Master of Engineering (ME), Vacant seat for IL & ACAP round AY 24-25

Revised Schedule for Master of Engineering (ME) FOR AY 2024-25.

Admission for Direct Second Year Engg (DSE) for vacant seats after CAP schedule for Institute level and against CAP round

Admission for first year Engg (FE) for vacant seats after CAP schedule for Institute level and against CAP round

Admission for first year of Master Of Engg (ME) for vacant seats after CAP schedule for Institute level and against CAP round

PG Admission started for A.Y.2024-25

Provisional Admission Started for First Year ,Direct Second Year & Post Graduation A.Y.24-25

We are happy ton announce that JSPM & TSSM PVPIT have started the buses as per given route