Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering can be defined as the technology and science designing, constructing, implementing, and maintaining hardware and software components of contemporary computing systems and equipment that are operated, and monitored through a computer.
The secret in education lies in respecting students. The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas. You cannot teach a person anything, you can only help him find it within himself.

Prof. Prof. Mukesh V khot
HOD, Mechanical Engineering
+91 7507305109
M.E Heat Power Engineering
To be a knowledge hub in the field of Mechanical engineering education for socio-economic development.

- To impart knowledge of Mechanical engineering through effective teaching learning process.
- To inculcate the spirit of innovation and creativity by active participation in development activities.
- To promote enterprising abilities for the benefit of society by imbibing professional skills.
- To maintain a high standard of mechanical engineering education through outstanding teaching, innovative curricula, and research training that reflect the changing needs of society.
- To attract highly motivated students with enthusiasm, aptitude and interest in mechanical engineering.
- To pursue excellence in research and technology transfer.
- To recruit, retain, and develop the members of the Department.
- To increase the public awareness of Departmental activities and the Mechanical Engineering profession
- To maintain a high standard of mechanical engineering education through outstanding teaching, innovative curricula, and research training that reflect the changing needs of society.
- To recruit, develop and maintain a strong academic staff base for optimum departmental performance.
- To integrate teaching and research for preservation and effective application of knowledge and skills.
- To improve, develop and establish teaching and research programs in line with country's industrialization needs.
- To develop and promote quality and market driven academic and professional pursuits.
- To strengthen and expand collaboration and partnerships with industry and other organization.
- To establish culture of hard work, good governance in leadership and management of the department.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
- Have abilities for successful professional career.
- Have an ability to address real life problem using modern tools and techniques.
- Have an ability to build enterprise for betterment of society ethically.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
- An ability to design solutions for thermal, hydraulic systems, design components and production processes that meet the specified needs with team work and management skills for safety, societal and environmental aspects through lifelong learning
- An ability to use modeling and analysis software such as NX, Creo, CATIA, ANSYS etc. technologies necessary for obtaining quick, economical and accurate solutions of engineering problems.
- An ability to design electromechanical and automation systems in multidisciplinary environments through better communication
Program Outcomes (PO)
- Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to analyze, design and evaluate mechanical components & systems using state -of-the-art IT tools.
- Analyze problems of mechanical engineering including thermal, manufacturing and industrial systems to formulate design requirements
- Design, implement, and evaluate mechanical systems and processes considering public health, safety, cultural, societal and environmental issues.
- Design and conduct experiments using domain knowledge and analyze data to arrive at valid conclusions.
- Apply current techniques, skills, knowledge and computer based methods & tools to develop mechanical systems.
- Analyze the local and global impact of modern technologies on individual organizations, society and culture.
- Apply knowledge of contemporary issues to investigate and solve problems with a concern for sustainability and ecofriendly environment.
- Exhibit responsibility in professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues.
- Function effectively in teams, in diverse and multidisciplinary areas to accomplish common goals.
- Communicate effectively in diverse groups and exhibit leadership qualities.
- Apply management principles to manage projects in multidisciplinary environment.
- Pursue life-long learning as a means to enhance knowledge and skills.
Course Outcomes (CO)
Mechanical Lab-I
To equip the students with good communication skills. To emphasize the need of English in the technical world. To prepare them for interviews and future job environments. To train the students in the art of conversation and discussion. To enable them to learn better pronunciation through stress on word accent, intonation, and rhythm.
Fluid Mechanics Lab
This lab is run in relation with Undergraduate (UG) theory course Fluid Mechanics of SPPU. The objectives of experiments includes Metacentric Height Ship Model, Calibration of Venturimeter, Notches Apparatus, Pipe Friction Apparatus, Pressure Measurement Setup, Reynold's Apparatus, Bernoulli's Apparatus, Redwood Viscometer, Electrical Analogy Setup
Applied Thermodynamics
This lab shows various engine setups and models, including 4-Stroke Petrol & Diesel Engine. Students are conducting experiments on these engines to determine different engine parameters, such as brake power, BSFC, heat balance sheet, etc. Models of the carburetor, fuel injector, ignition system, and calorimeters are also present in this lab.
The Heat and Mass Transfer (HMT) laboratory is located in the Heat Engine Laboratory on the 1st Floor (Lab Floor) of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT Bavdhan, Pune. This laboratory gives the basic understanding about conduction and convection of heat, thermal properties and performance of radiation heat transfer and heat exchanger.
Turbomachine Lab
A Turbomachinery Laboratory is a specialized facility equipped with experimental setups and instruments for studying the performance, operation, and behavior of turbomachines. Turbomachines are devices that transfer energy between a rotor and a fluid, such as turbines, compressors, and pumps.
Mechanical Department
Above Katraj Dairy. near Warje Bridge. Warje. Pune
Mechanical Department
NDA Road, Shivne Industrial Area, Shivne, Pune
Mechanical Department
Pirangut, Tq. MulsiDist Pune21
Design Centre
Mechanical Department
MACK Valves Indian Pvt. Ltd.
Mechanical Department
Boost India Pvt. Ltd.
Mechanical Department
Annanya Interface & Controls Pvt.Ltd.
Mechanical Department
01 January 2016
Dr.S.M.Kukarni prize for Excellent paper Presentation in CCISP 2016
Dr.S.M.Kukarni Awarded the prize for Excellent paper Presentation in International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP 2016) at Dubai (UAE)
Venue: Department of E & TC Engineering
04 October 2022
Miss. Poornima Deshmukh of BE (Mech.Engg) student has won silver medal at national level aeromodelling competition in all india Vausainik camp
Miss. Poornima Deshmukh of BE (Mech.Engg) student has won silver medal at national level aeromodelling competition in all india Vausainik camp held at Jodhpur, Rajasthan. She is cadet of maharashtra air squadron, pune (3rd division of NCC wing,Pune)
Venue: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
05 September 2023
Students Achievement in Various Competitions
Students Achievements in Various Competitions Mechanical Students has participated in various Competition throughout year.
Venue: Techfest IIT, Mumbai, Swimming Competitions at MIT, Pune, Aero Modelling IIT kharagpur
10 September 2023
Battle of Robotics, PVIT Team Prix at International Robo War Competition, Russia
Congratulations PVPIT TEAM PRIX students, participated in the international Robowar competition "Battle of Robotics" organised by the ministry of Russia
Venue: International Robo War Competition, Russia
24 January 2024
Robowar 23 Competition
Congratulations to PVPIT TEAM PRIX for being Winner of IIT JODPUR (60KG) ROBOWAR-23 competition held on 24th January 2024. Hearty congratulations to Team members for their Achievement at national Level
Venue: Robowar 23 Competition IIT JODPUR, Rajasthan
12 March 2024
TEAM PRIXX was Founded in September, 2016 by Mr. Sushant Barde as student, under which we played many National Robotics Events . In August 2017, we collaborated with our College Senior Team in Pune and participated in many National and International
Venue: Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,
12 May 2023
Currently our Team consist of 12members, who are working in Different sector like Management, Mechanical engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Designing and we are also in our Start-up which is in the Manufacturing sector its
Venue: Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,
10 May 2018
Team Prixx Participated in Robert Agent held in Las Vegas, USA
Venue: Las,Vegas,USA
15 February 2024
SAEINDIA, Club Inauguration
SAEINDIA (Society of Automotive Engineers India) is a professional society and student organization dedicated to advancing the field of mobility engineering in India. SAEINDIA Club.
Venue: Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,
12 April 2018
Robotics Club is on Times of INDIA, & Other News Paper
P.V.P.I.T Robotics Club Students Achievements is on Times of India, & on other Local News Paper Proud moment from P.V.P.I.T Students
Venue: Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,
12 December 2020
HI FLYER Event In TECHNOTHON 2K20 Held At Mechanical Engineering Dept
HI FLYER Event in TECHNOTHON 2K20 held at Mechanical Engineering Dept
05 March 0024
In this competition the contestant or team of contestants design a robot either wired or wireless within the specified dimensions that can operated manually.
06 March 2024
Master Creotor, a competitive drawing and designing competition, was organized as a part of Technothon 2k24 technical event at PVPIT.
25 December 2021
A cricket tournament for students of PVPIT.
To promote team spirit among students , To enhance organization skills among students.
15 September 2022
Engineer's day and Teacher day
Engineer's day and Teacher day is going to be celebrated on 15 th Sep 2022.
Seminar Hall
11 November 2022
Industrial Visit at Panshet HydroPower Station, Pune
Industrial Visit at Panshet HydroPower Station, Pune
07 November 2022
Industrial Visit at Warje Pumping Station, Warje, Pune
Industrial Visit at Warje Pumping Station, Warje, Pune
Warje, Pune
14 November 2022
Industrial visit at Sandeep Dairy Farm at Angrewadi, Pune
Industrial visit at Sandeep Dairy Farm at Angrewadi, Pune
Angrewadi, Pune
18 October 2023
Industrial Visit of B.E Mechanical Students at Hydro electric power station
B.E Mechanical Students have gained lot of Practical Knowledge during visit at Hydro electric power
Panshet, Pune
15 September 2023
Engineers Day (Poster Presentation)
On behalf of Engineers day, Mechanical Department MESA has Organized Poster Competition
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,
24 January 2024
Symposium on International Automotive Technology (SIAT) 2024
visit to SIAT Expo-2024, Moshi, Pimpri-Chinchwad
Pune International Exhibition and Convention Center, Moshi,Pimpri-Chinchwad
05 March 2024
Robot races: Where robots compete to complete a course in the shortest time.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,
05 March 2024
Gokart Team Alpha-150, TECHNOTHON2K4
Go-kart is designed for different skill levels. The kart has been designed using sound design.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,
17 July 2023
Aptitude Training Program
an Aptitude Training Program can effectively equip students with the essential skills
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,
01 August 2023
Soft Skill Training Program
Soft Skills Training Program can help participants to build confidence
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PVPIT, Bavdhan, Pune,